Edgewater Books is a family-run business.  Our family started selling secondhand books online in 2020, after purchasing 300 boxes of books from a nonprofit where I volunteered for several years that had canceled its annual  book sale fundraiser due to COVID-19.  Our family has always shared a love for books and reading.  My husband, Jef, used to read books like the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy to our boys before bed, and our son Alex worked in four different bookstores in Austin, Durango, and Denver, between 1997 and 2015.  In 2022, we leased our space at Edgewater Public Market, and both of our sons, Alex and Jack, helped ready the store to open the week of Thanksgiving.  I am the general manager with Jef and Alex helping out several days a week.  Jack lives and works in Austin, Texas.

  • What drew you to Edgewater?

    • We lived in Denver in the 1970s and 1980s before moving to Austin, Texas.  Our son Alex moved back to Colorado in 2001 for college and later graduate school, and he has lived in the west metro area since 2011.  We bought a townhome in southwest Denver in 2019, and ran our online book business out of the basement there for two years before discovering and landing our business in Edgewater.  Edgewater is a charming community; we love being near Sloan's Lake and all the dining, shopping, and cultural institutions Edgewater and neighboring communities have to offer.

  • What products do you offer?

    • We carry a wide variety of used books in various fiction and nonfiction genres, including collectible, rare, and first edition hardcovers.  We have great collections of science fiction, fantasy, mystery, history, biography, art, science, children's, and young adult books priced fairly and competitively.

  • What makes your business unique?

    • Our family genuinely loves books, sharing books with others, recommending books, and talking about books.  We are a small shop with a big heart and a loyalty to Jefferson County and the west metro area.  Edgewater Public Market is also a fantastic and unique venue to call home with so many fun and unique small businesses and restaurants to experience.

Why We’re Here

(in the form of a Shakespearean sonnet, cuz why not?)

Edgewater Books, offering secondhand
books of all genres, gifts, and greeting cards,
history, science, books on other lands,
and kids’ books, fiction, verses of the bards,

Good books of value to all reading-kind.
Those who appreciate a well-loved tome,
enjoy the chase and revel in the find,
will gladden now to find themselves at home,

Here at Edgewater Books, a friendly cove
where all are welcome and all people may
peruse their heart’s content with bookish love;
Keep coming back, or if you like, just stay;

For shopping secondhand is good for Earth,
and buying used you’ll get your money’s worth.