Books we stock

  • Fiction.

    Modern general fiction from popular and less known authors.

  • Genre Fiction.

    Science fiction, fantasy, mystery, thriller, historical fiction, and romance.

  • History.

    Wide range of history and social science books covering ancient times through the twenty-first century.

  • Science.

    Astronomy, physics, biology, medicine, technology, etc.

  • Self-help.

    Variety of personal development, productivity, and self-help books, well-known and less known.

  • Spirituality.

    Spirituality, religion, philosophy. Classic and modern works by thinkers and teachers in many of humanity’s spiritual traditions.

  • Children's.

    Books for kids of all ages, from board books and picture books to middle grade and young adult.

  • Art.

    Art history and theory for the serious student, aspiring artist, and collector.

  • Sports and Games.

    Variety of instructional and sport and game history books.

  • Hobbies.

    Arts, crafts, collecting, and other hobbies.

  • Gardening.

    Books on growing flowers, vegetables, etc.

  • Travel and Outdoors.

    Adventure books, travel guides, and histories of far places.

  • Cuisine.

    Cookbooks and fun foodie books.

  • Business

    Our business section includes great books on management, finance, economics, and productivity.

  • Collectible and Rare.

    Out-of-print books, first editions, and other rare and collectible items. We have many of these stored off-site to preserve their condition and plan to offer a catalog in late summer or fall for interested customers.


  • Range.

    Our prices range from $3 for some children’s books and small paperbacks up to $50 or more for rare and collectible materials. Most of our adult paperback and hardback books range from $5 to $16.

  • Value.

    The value of used books depends on several factors, including condition, rarity, subject matter, and notoriety of the author or the work.

  • How we price.

    We price our books fairly and competitively, factoring in the prices of similar copies offered by other sellers online, the condition and apparent rarity or commonness of the book, the original retail price for recently published works, etc.