Edgewater Books newsletter #5

Happy November everyone!

Thanks to each of you for supporting our shop in the past year!  It has been a fun and rewarding journey thus far; we hope to stick around and continue to learn and evolve.

This month, we are thankful and glad to share that Edgewater Books is celebrating one year in business tomorrow, Wednesday, 11/22.  To celebrate, we'll be offering  20% off everything in the shop and have some treats to share.  Being Thanksgiving Eve, if it is particularly quiet we may close early at 5 pm, but hope to see a goodly number of folks :)

After Thanksgiving, we'll have some new items available for the winter holidays, starting on Black Friday and Small Business Saturday!  We've been saving up children's holiday books, other great books of different genres, fun stocking stuffers and gift items. Used books make thoughtful gifts, since many are hard to find and timeless.

At our next book discussion group, on Sunday, December 10th @ 5:30, we’ll be discussing There There, by Tommy Orange.  Please RSVP by email (or just show up), but the RSVP will help us gauge likely attendance. Everyone will be welcome to bring food and drink from any of the food hall restaurants, brewery, or bar to enjoy during the book discussion. 


We are accepting special orders of new books through the Bookshop.org program, which allows customers to support independent bookshops of their choosing with a small percentage of each purchase.

Now we are also participating with Libro.FM, a similar program to order audio books.

Story Time with Ms Kate will be on Saturday, December 2 @ 11:15a. All are welcome. The picture books are geared to preschool and early elementary aged children, but adults have enjoyed them, too!


Newsletter #8


Trade-in program & September events